

Extraterrestrials,Ancient Aliens,,,

True nature of Ancient Aliens, UFOs and modern Aliens

Our world has witnessed strange events from the distant past, many of which remain unsolved for us even with the modern technology we have. One, and perhaps most important, is the evidence from the ancients that indicates an unnatural event on Earth. Why the most important cities of antiquity are buried under the ground. From Persepolis to Rome; Pompeii and many other cases for which we still do not have the answers to these questions.

Most viewed of: Ancient aliens
Extraterrestrials,Ancient Aliens,,,
Ancient Aliens - Holy secrets

Is it possible that what we are looking for in the heavens is somewhere else and our address is actually wrong....

Extraterrestrials,Ancient Aliens,,,

True nature of Ancient Aliens, UFOs and modern Aliens

Our world has witnessed strange events from the distant past, many of which remain unsolved for us even with the modern technology we have. One, and perhaps most important, is the evidence from the....


Everything you need to know about the photon belt

Maybe you were waiting for the end of the world when the Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012. But this did not happen. Why? In the previous article, we read the message of the Ground Crew Projec....


The most important extraterrestrial events in 2020

Hundreds of telescopes, Camera and radar, look at the heavens every moment and take pictures and videos and record the slightest movement even in the distance. But at the same time, UFO videos are bei....

Extraterrestrials,Space Aliens,,,

Ancient Aliens 2

Did creatures come to our planet from beyond Earth or anywhere else in ancient times? A study of antiquities and ancient events will reveal to us the true nature of ancient extraterrestrials. We begi....

Extraterrestrials,Ancient Aliens,,,

Ancient Aliens - Holy secrets

Is it possible that what we are looking for in the heavens is somewhere else and our address is actually wrong? Study of the ancients and important events in the present era confirms this view. This a....

Extraterrestrials,Ancient aliens,,,

The secret of ancient hybrid beings

Archaeological findings and the ruins of the ancients; The most important role is played by what we know about ancient today. Findings that have been made by ancient to inform future generations Or th....